Tips To Retain Hair Color For A Longer Time

Tips To Retain Hair Color For A Longer Time

Tips To Retain Hair Color 

No one likes it when hair colour starts fading after 2 or 3 washes. Faded shade makes your hair look dull and unhealthy. So, try these 8 tips if you want to keep your hair colour for a longer time.

Avoid Frequent Hair Wash

Washing your hair very often will fade away the colour of your tresses sooner than later. So, to preserve it fix your hair wash days and enjoy your shade.

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Color Protect Shampoo

Shampoos made for coloured hair tend to have a higher pH balance than regular ones, which helps protect the integrity of your colour. This is the first thing you ought to do when getting that coloured hair. 


Deep Conditioning

For colour-treated hair, a basic conditioner isn’t always enough. Using a deep conditioner once a week after you shampoo can help moisturize your hair and prevents the colour from fading or becoming brassy.


Too much heat-styling can wreak havoc on coloured strands. Whenever you can, give your heat tools a break and switch things up with a heat-free styling option.

Heat-Free Styling

PIC SOURCE: BeBeautiful

UV rays pose a threat to more than your skin—too much exposure can dull shade intensity and zap shine. To help maintain your best colour and protect your hair from the sun, choose products with UV filters.

Shield Your Shade

PIC SOURCE: India Today

When the colour needs to be redone, you don’t necessarily need to see your colourist. Find out an at-home hair colour that matches your current colour and you can touch up your hair in no time.

At-Home Touch Up Kit

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No matter how careful you are with your Hair, eventually, your roots will start to grow. Timely touching up the new growth is a must.

Touch Up Your Roots

If you spend too much time in a swimming pool, the harsh chemicals in chlorine can cause hair colour, especially lighter colours, to shift to an unattractive green hue. Remember to wear a swimming cap and let your colour shine.

Avoid Chlorine