Eyes That Speak: 7 Easy Ways To Achieve Flawless Kajal Application

Eyes That Speak: 7 Easy Ways To Achieve Flawless Kajal Application

Eyes That Speak

We will unveil seven easy and effective ways to apply kajal, ensuring that your eyes are captivated with every glance. Swipe to know more!

Prep And Prime

Before diving into the world of kajal, ensure your eyelids are a blank canvas. Apply a small amount of primer or concealer to create a smooth base, helping the kajal adhere evenly and stay in place.

PIC SOURCE: Be Beautiful

Angle Matters

Hold the kajal pencil at a slight angle rather than perpendicular to your eyelid. This allows for better control and a more precise application, especially when working along the waterline.

PIC SOURCE: Tips And Beauty

Tightline Technique

For a more intense look, tight line your upper waterline by gently applying kajal between the lashes. This technique adds depth to your eyes without an overly dramatic appearance.


Refrigerate your kajal for a short time before use. The cooler temperature not only provides a refreshing sensation but also helps the kajal set faster and ensures a sharper line.

Cold Kajal For Precision

PIC SOURCE: Southern Living

Keep a Q-tip or cotton swab handy to correct any mistakes. Dip it in a bit of makeup remover or micellar water to refine the edges and achieve a polished look.

Fix Mistakes With Q-Tips

PIC SOURCE: Facebook

While the classic black kajal is timeless, don't shy away from experimenting with different colours. Deep browns, blues, or greens can add a playful and creative touch to your eye makeup.

Experiment With Colors

Perfecting the art of flawless kajal application takes practice. Be patient with yourself and experiment with different techniques to discover what works best for your unique eye shape and style.

Practice And Patience