6 Evergreen Books That You Can Read For Motivation

6 Evergreen Books That You Can Read For Motivation

6 Evergreen Books 

Isn't everything sound better if someone else says it to you? You suddenly start feeling motivated because you needed that push. For all those times we compiled a list of 6 evergreen books you can turn to whenever you need motivation. 

Awaken The Giant Within

In life, lots of people know what to do, but few people do what they know. So, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. In this book, Tony Robbins helps you do exactly that.


The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F**ck

This is the self-help book for you if you hate self-help books. It’s as much a pat on the back as a slap in the face. This is as real as it gets. You need your hands on this one by Mark Manson.


Rich Dad Poor Dad

Robert Kiyosaki will truly change your perspective on wealth and financial literacy with invaluable lessons that the rich teach their children about money, contrasting it with the beliefs commonly held by the poor and middle class. Pick up this book and embark on a journey towards financial independence.

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The book is a memoir by Viktor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor, who shares his experiences in Nazi concentration camps. The book has inspired millions of people around the world to overcome adversity and find purpose in their lives.

Man’s Search For Meaning 


This one by Napoleon Hill is a timeless classic that continues to inspire and empower readers across generations. This transformative book serves as a roadmap to achieving both financial success and personal fulfilment.

Think And Grow Rich

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This is a powerful book by James Allen. Your mind is a garden and your thoughts are the seeds. Good thoughts bring good results in life like good seeds in a garden. If you read this book carefully we assure you, it will transform your life.

As A Man Thinketh

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