10 Things To Do On A Solo Trip

10 Things To Do On A Solo Trip

10 Things 

Going on a solo trip can be a liberating experience as you get to discover your inner self. Here are a few things you can do to make this experience worthwhile. 

Learn A New Skill

It could be dancing with the locals, learning pottery, or learning to play a local musical instrument, this is one of the best ways of enjoying a solo trip.

Be Your Photographer

The place you visit has a lot to offer like nature and culture. So don’t be shy to capture every moment with your camera. 

PIC SOURCE: Unsplash

Go On A Date With Yourself

Book a table at a fancy restaurant, put your favourite dress on and take yourself out on a date. As you are your own company you must as well enjoy it fully.

PIC SOURCE: BeBeautiful

Explore streets to experience delicious local cuisines. You can also join communal food walks organised by food bloggers.

Do A Food Walk

PIC SOURCE: HerZindagi

The place looks beautiful on a cycle and you get to explore a lot of it. So take a cycle and go on a serene ride.

Cycle Tour

 It is easy to do crazy things with friends but you should also try to do at least one thing that scares you. The adrenaline you’ll get will fuel you for more such trips.

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

PIC SOURCE: Unsplash

Being on a solo trip means no distraction and enough time to finish that book you’ve been meaning to for a long time.

Take A Book

Museum is the best way to explore the history and culture of the place. So don’t forget to visit a local museum.

Visit Local Museum

PIC SOURCE: The New York Times

India has a lot offer to in terms of culture and language. So, whenever you communicate with locals learn new phrases from them. It will make you feel inclusive.

Try Local Phrases


Take a lot of pictures, ask questions, make new friends, basically look like a tourist. But remember to be mindful.

Delve Into Your Tourist Self