10 Warning Signs Your Heart Might Be Telling You 

10 Warning Signs Your Heart Might Be Telling You 

10 Warning Signs 

Some heart problems have no clear warning signs, but there are a few that should never be ignored. Let's spread awareness about these warning signs on World Heart Day.

Chest Discomfort

Feeling pain, tightness, or pressure in the chest is a common sign of heart trouble, such as blocked arteries or heart attack.

PIC SOURCE: Doylestown Health

Stomach Related Issues

You may experience an upset stomach due to various reasons, but it's important to note that it can also be a symptom of a heart attack.

PIC SOURCE: Everyday Health

Pain In The Arm

A heart attack is indicated by this classic symptom - pain that usually starts in the chest and spreads to the left side of the body.

PIC SOURCE: Women's Running

If you experience sudden unsteadiness along with chest discomfort or difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical attention.



Chest pain spreading to throat or jaw could signal a heart attack, but throat or jaw pain alone is unlikely related to the heart.

Pain In The Jaw

PIC SOURCE: Unsplash

If you experience fatigue while performing tasks you used to do with ease, such as climbing stairs or carrying groceries, make an immediate appointment with your doctor.

You Are Always Tired

Loud snoring that resembles gasping or choking may indicate sleep apnea, a condition in which breathing stops temporarily several times during sleep.


PIC SOURCE: Everyday Health

In most cases, having palpitations doesn't indicate heart trouble. However, if you have heart disease or are at risk, it's important to pay close attention.

Persistent Cough

PIC SOURCE: Everyday Health

When the heart is unable to pump blood quickly enough, it may result in bloating as the blood backs up in the veins.

Swollen Feet And Ankles

Cold sweats without any apparent cause can be a sign of a heart attack.

Excess Sweating

PIC SOURCE: Verywell Health